Videofilm "Bullying - More than a fight"

The Austrian Women's Shelters Network together with 18 pupils and teachers from an Integration class in Vienna, has developed a screenplay for a video on bullying. The video is called "Bullying - More than just a fight". It is Larissa a new student, she comes from poorer backgrounds, does not know so well, she is somehow different, is shy and she is laughed at for being different. Especially two boys - Lukas and Dragan. Both are starting to get more violent. They also persuade Edi and Alex to joke about Larissa. Larissa withdraws more and more, does not speak to anyone anymore. The more shy she becomes, the harder the harassment of Lukas and Dragan becomes. On Friday afternoon after school Larissa grabs the school bag and wants to go home immediately, but Dragan puts her the "foot". Larissa falls and she falls to the ground. She gets nosebleeds. She begins to cry because her nose begins to hurt violently. A schoolfriends comes and asks what happened, comforts her and picks up the homeroom teacher. Dragan laughs! The teacher goes with Larissa to the school doctor, this supplies her nose, the nose bleeding stops, but the pain is getting worse and the nose swells. The doctor asks what exactly happened. Larissa tells the true story. The doctor calls the rescue, because she is convinced that nose is broken. The rescue brings Larissa to the hospital. The doctor at the hospital confirms the nasal fracture and says to the worried mother of Larissa: We have to file a complaint about assault.

After the scene played by the children, answers to the following questions follow:

Bullying is ...? Violence, discrimination, exclusion, hurtful, destructive etc.

What can we do? Help, support, leave the victim not allon,  get the teachers to help, talk to the victim, stop the perpetrators, etc.


The films ends with an apology from the offenders at Larissa.

The main message of the video is: violence is not a solution. We do not accept violence. There is help.

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