
Participatory child-centred training methods and learning activities will be applied that will help to test the two intervention models:

Good-practice model I: Comprehensive diversity competence training

This is a school-based education model that is currently implemented in 15 schools and other education centres: primary and secondary schools, including bilingual/intercultural (ie, ‘Europe’) schools and schools with ‘welcome learning groups’ for newly-arrived migrant students.

The model is an adaptation of SPI Forschung gGmbH, Berlin that builds on two multifaceted training models for gender-based violence and bullying prevention in school setting, which harness the results of two previous EU-funded projects (EU Daphne Programme):

-          GEAR - ‘Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence’ (under the EU DAPHNE III Programme, 2009-2011,

-          Participatory prevention and early identification of bullying in school (under the EU DAPHNE Programme, 2014-2016,

You can download here the synopsis of the Good Practice Model and the Method Handout.

Good-practice model II: Popular Opinion Leader (POL) training

This is a community-based peer model for gender-based violence prevention in six non-formal community settings: Roma communities, migrants’ centres, temporary/intermediary accommodation and housing for asylum seekers, language schools or other training courses offered by youth, migrant or social welfare organisations.

The POL methodology has been originally elaborated by the Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR), Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and adapted by HESED, Sofia (

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