The third project meeting of the y-MIND project was held in Vienna, Austria from the 12th until the 14th of March. The main aim of the meeting was the review and discussion on the progress and implementation of the two best practices. During the meeting, the partners had the chance to present the current situation related with the implementation of the two best practices models in their country and discuss about the continuation, evaluation and upscaling of the project activities.
The meeting was organized by the Austrian partner of the project, Austrian Women’s Shelter Network (AÖF) and hosted in the hospitable offices of AKIS (, the Afghan cultural centre in Vienna. An onsite visit was organized to the offices of AÖF in order to give the opportunity to the partners to see and discuss the other activities of the organization. Finally, the partners have participated in a flash mob in front of the Austrian parliament organized by organisations working for gender equality requesting from the Austrian government 21 times more budget for prevention and gender equality work.