The piloting of good practice model 2 Popular Opinion Leader (POL) started in two big Roma communities in Sofia, Bulgaria. The first piloting steps comprised a special selection of young community leaders in the two selected locations – Filipovtzi and Faculteta neighbourhoods. To learn more about the community norms and for the purposes of the needs assessment during the preparation phase HESED`s team organised two focus groups exploring the topic of gender based violence within the selected community of intervention. Two POL groups were started– one with young men and one with young women. From methodological point of view this approach will provide us the precious opportunity to offer two versions of intervention – one addressing potential perpetrators and another, facing the needs of the most vulnerable community members exposed to domestic and gender-based violence risks – young mothers of children at age of 0 to 3. All together 20 young leaders- men and women, are involved in the POL trainings, they are expected to reach more than 100 young people from their social networks and to transmit the massage of non-violent communication in the couple and the family to them.