Starting from December 2016, over a period of two yearsyMIND will implement and upscale two good-practice training models interlinking the themes of diversity education, gender equality and bullying/violence prevention in 15 schools and six multi-ethnic community settings in the four countries and in addition to it throughout existing European networks.
For children and young people in schools and community settings we offer participatory workshops enhancing their social and diversity competence, community outreach and peer education interventions. Young learners from different ethnic and cultural groups, drawing on different social and personal preconditions will be able to explore and share their views on diversity, gender equality, discrimination, tolerance and learning from differences. Their needs related to equal chances in education and social inclusion will be voiced through creative works, published in a special booklet.
For teachers, pedagogues, social, youth, community and migration workers we offer method-training workshops, which will strengthen their capacity to conduct prevention and education work with children using participatory and child-centred methods. The themes will encompass diversity-competence, gender roles and equality, prevention of bullying and violence, implementing non-traditional learning methods and whole-school approach events.