The four project EU-country partners teamed up for second time since the beginning of the yMIND project between 9th and 12th May 2017 in Sofia. Hosted by the Bulgarian partner Health and Social Develoment Foundation (HESED) the meeting marked a milestone in the preparation for testing of the selected two good-practice models aiming to improve social inclusion of young disadvantaged learners through education. The meeting’s objective was to present, discuss and approve for piloting the adapted training models:
-good-practice model I – comprehesnive diversity competence training in school setting (adapted by SPI Forschung gGmbH) and
-good-practice model II – training of popular opinion leaders for gender-based violence prevention in community-based settings (adapted by HESED)
Multiple training sessions allowed for method transfer, experience-based teaching and learning and reflection on the practical implementation in the four local partner settings. Altogether 18 experts from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and UK took part in the meeting. Among these were the country coordinators, trainers, teachers, psychologists, social workers, the project leader, manager and technical coordinators and the external evaluator.
An on-site visit to the community centre MIR, established by HESED in the Roma neighbourhood “Fakulteta” and presentation of the integrated model for community development and education run by the Bulgarian team complemented the programme providing inspiring insights and fruitful exchange opportunities.
As a next step all partner will prepare their local implementation plans and will start piloting the two models in schools, community education centres, refugee camps, Roma and migrant communities.